Take Time to Reset

At Reset Physical Therapy, we treat the body as a single unit. Our belief is that a dysfunction in one part of the body can affect the movement of the entire system. Our primary goal is to help patients "Reset" their movement to an optimal state. 

We also aim to “Reset” how physical therapy is practiced by providing the highest quality care, utilizing cutting-edge techniques and concepts that are based on empirical evidence. We provide a thorough evaluation using the latest assessment knowledge and tools. We emphasize a "hands-on” approach with the addition of corrective exercises, tailored specifically for each individual. Each client receives 50 minute one-on-one sessions with a dedicated and experienced physical therapist.

At Reset Physical Therapy, we specialize in orthopedic rehabilitation, post-surgical rehabilitation, spine, neck, ergonomics and sports related injuries. Our diverse client population includes office workers, weekend warriors, marathoners, professional fighters and dancers.